The Evolution of Abs Exercises and Core Workouts

The Evolution of Abs Exercises and Core Workouts

The Evolution of Abs Exercises and Core Workouts

Get your FREE workout here: This video takes you through the evolution of 21st century ab training. You’ll find 6 different ab exercises where the focus isn’t on crunching or spinal flexion, but instead is geared towards providing a core workout that offers stabilization and resistance rotation. Just because these ab exercises aren’t your traditional crunches, doesn’t mean that you won’t get that great ab burning feeling following your workout. These core exercises will still help build 6 pack abs, but in a much safer way that will reduce the incidence of low back pain. The first ab exercise in the evolution of ab training is a simple plank. This exercise needs to be mastered by beginners and those at risk of low back pain. The goal here is to work up to a 90 second to 2 minute hold in the plank position. The next core exercise is the side plank or side bridge. A little more difficult than the regular plank, the trick here is tokeep your body in a straight line and keep those hips raised. Once you’ve mastered those ab exercises, try the plank with your elbows on the stability ball. According to Men’s Health magazine, this exercise works your abs 30% hard than a regular plank. To increase the difficulty of this ab exercise, try moving the ball further away from your body. The fourth ab exercise to work your entire core is the stability ball jackknife. Here, you will place your feet on the stability ball and your hands on the floor or elbows on a
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “The Evolution of Abs Exercises and Core Workouts

  1. interesting, i have lower back pain n need to strengthen w/out a bunch of reps n bs,,,,ill repost after i try these for awhile and give it a chance to work

  2. @FreedyRoach
    I was a lil skeptical about spending that
    kind of money for something ordered
    online. But I bit the bullet and I ordered
    that workout program at the site
    And after 3weeks under its program, it
    helped flexed my abdomen, so I say
    it does what it claims.

  3. Oh hello! Have you tried – fast abs magic (do a google search)? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my GF got beautiful 6 pack abs and lost lots of fat with it.

  4. Holla! Have you thought about – fast abs magic (should be on google have a look)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my BF got great 6 pack abs and lost a ton of fat with it.

  5. Otomix are The weightlifting shoe. However when I train clients I advise them towards Converse as they are more affordable & the flatter sole is much more stable for lower body workouts.

  6. Otomix are The weightlifting shoe. However when I train clients I advise them towards Converse as they are more affordable & the flatter sole is much more stable for lower body workouts.

  7. @Oaken007 Converse is one of the best weight lifting shoe, because the sole doesn’t have any curves where someone could roll their ankles on.

  8. Hi, Also try the intellectus 424 diet (Google for it). I have lost a lot of weight best diet ever

  9. Oh hai, Try That new intellectus 424 diet (Google it). I have lost lots of weight it is awesome.

  10. @Oaken007 because he’s doing anaerobic exercises indoors which you can harmlessly do barefooted. He’s not out on the streets running a 10k.

  11. Is it okey if I do the plank for around 4-5 minutes? I feel like 2 minutes is not enough to truly push myself, and that’s what I aim for, pushing myself all the time

  12. Is it okey if I do around 4-5 minutes? I feel like 2 minutes is not enough to truly push myself, and that’s what I aim for, pushing myself all the time

  13. Thank you.

    I was under the impression that sit-ups were the only way, but the core is more about stabilization, which makes these exercises relevant.

  14. you have a good point, any ab exercise that deals with spinal flexion isnt going to do much for your core(which consists of more than just your rectus abdominals) and crunches and situps are waaay overrated and are for pussies

  15. @jamien136 try doing leg lifts(hang on a bar and lift your knees to your chest by pushing your hips foreward) works wonders for the lower back and gets you a solid tummy

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