CLICK HERE FOR A FREE WOKROUT!! www.turbulencetraining.com This is an alternative ab exercise circuit that you can do with just a stability ball and your bodyweight to easily replace the cable abs exercises. Just a warning for those who have low back problems; all of the exercises in this circuit are advanced abdominal exercises, involving more spinal flexion. So, if you do have low back problems, then you should skip this workout. To start out, you will do a stability ball Crunch, using a three second eccentric in place of the hanging leg raise. Do 15 reps for this exercise. Next, you’ll move immediately into a stability ball Rollout. So, with your knees on a mat, and your arms extended in front on the ball, keep your body in a straight line and stretch your abs by rolling the ball out, and then contract your abs to roll the ball back in. From here, you’ll go right into a X-Body Mountain Climber. In this exercise, start by getting in the regular push up position and then bring your opposite knee up to your opposite elbow and back out. Alternate sides. That’s it for the circuit. So rest, one minute and then repeat the circuit two more times for a total of three circuits. Craig Ballantyne from Turbulence Training and TTMembers shows us how to get RIPPED ABS! http

Video for the single Abdominal Workout by Abdominal of the album escape from the pigeon hole
Video Rating: 4 / 5

43 thoughts on “ABDOMINAL WORKOUT

  1. Great ab exercises! If being on the ground causes too much neck pain or back pain doing a lot of different ab exercises, The AbStand also works wonders.

  2. i can do 100 push ups in a row and im 13 but im not that tank either..just practise i geuss 🙂 its probaly not that much anyway hahaah

  3. Im 12 and 125 lbs, i don t really have much fat its ll mostly muscle. I got a 4 pack and i dont have a stability ball. Ar there any other excersizes I can do

  4. I’m the same way. Your skin is still elastic, and has a lot of collagen, an elastic protein that keeps your skin smooth and stretchy.
    Later on, you may lose that and start to have the “grown-up” fat look with looser skin.
    Fat is actually the thickness attached *under* your skin, so when you pinch and pull out, you can squeeze that layer to see how much you have.
    Most people need about 8-10% fat (that’s a lot) to be healthy. Healthy fat is important in the right amounts esp for athletes.

  5. I’m 14 and I weigh 105-110 pounds. I have a six pack and muscles. When ever I pinch the skin on the side of my rib cage I can pull out a lot of the skin. I want to know if this is fat or is my skin stretchable?

  6. On the stability ball roll out, if you get up off your knees and stay on your feet, you’ll feel it a lot more. A lot harder to remain balanced but I certainly feel it more.

  7. dark, judgin from the design it looks like one of the “no explode” swiss balls and they can be kinda pricey but are worth it

  8. how much does one of those balls cost? and even if i do “15” reps of those, what if i just double it…how long will it take to show results?

  9. Get low body fat through diet, intervals, and “back-safe” strenth training, then focus on planks and side planks. I know they are “boring” but both will help with abs and maybe even help with reducing back pain.

    Stay strong!

  10. what about exercises for people with lower back problems.
    how can you build “advanced ab definition” without forcing alot of spinal flexion.

  11. Yes, to really work those abs, you have to get off of the floor! Thanks for illustrating this!

  12. @RobinLikesCake Compare this song to say Empire State of Mind by Jay Z. I like this one a lot better but you have to admit that content-wise this song is not going to appeal to many people. Even if a rapper raps about his bitches and limos and whatever, it will make an impact if he can convey his passion about that stuff. Abdominal on the other hand is like a rapping machine, technically flawless but that’s it.

  13. @SnepKaunt and you’re saying the hundreds of rappers who rap almost exclusively about how expensive their clothes/cars/women are and how they’re the best are conveying profound messages?

  14. @AndyEigenman
    Me too! I have been using that program at
    for 3weeks now and Im thrilled with the
    results. Cant wait to see what results I can
    get in the next month as I am going on
    holidays and will be in a bathing suit a lot
    and I already know I will feel a lot better
    than I have in years..:))

  15. @SnepKaunt – The problem with your argument lies in the implication that popular “rap” *does* convey some sort of profound message or elicit some sort of emotional response, and neither could be further from the truth.

  16. Hiyaaaa! Have you heard the talk about – fast abs magic (should be on google have a look)? Ive heard some great things about it and my cousin got great 6 pack abs and lost tons of fat with it.

  17. hey hey! Have you heard the talk about – fast abs magic (google it)? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my cooworker got hot Six pack abs and lost crazy amounts of fat with it.

  18. I added some drums and an instrumental to this track, if you love this guy please let me know what you think 🙂 soundcloud(dot)com/jake-quade/abdominal-workout-remix

  19. @SnepKaunt The implication of your comment is that popular musicians are popular because their music has profound messages and create emotional reactions, which is certainly not true of most modern rappers. Popularity is largely due to hype and marketability.

  20. The reason he’s not popular is because his songs don’t produce any emotional reactions or convey any profound messages. He’s just putting words together (and he’s amazing at that) but all he raps about is how he’s an awesome rapper. It’s like a writer who writes about writing. I think he’s great but most people want some content in music they listen to… and that’s why he’s not popular.

  21. The reason he’s not famous as fuck is cos his music doesn’t advocate violence. Get him singing about stabbing niggers and shooting motherfuckers while you steal their car then get him to tell someone he got shot in the face and bam, he’ll be famous.

    The problem is overpopulation, too many people with low IQ who like stupid music.

    tl;dr this guy is amazing but not famous cos he’s not black enough.

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