Flat Stomach Exercises Fat Blasting Workout

Flat Stomach Exercises Fat Blasting Workout

Viktoria Telek www.ViktoriaTelek.com Personal Trainer Fitness Model Master Boot Camp Instructor Get Rid of those Love Handles, Get a ripped flat stomach, Burn Fat and get the body you want. Workout you can do anywhere with no equipment needed. 4 exercises, 5 rounds
Video Rating: 4 / 5

24 thoughts on “Flat Stomach Exercises Fat Blasting Workout

  1. Idont know how I got here and since I’m here ima give out an advice. Its a turn off when girls have the same body style like this ..

  2. Hihi, have you considered this plan called the Fat Blast Furnace? (Google it). My father in law says it helps people get thinner.

  3. Hi, have you wondered this program called the Fat Blast Lifestyle? (look it up on google). My uncle says it helps people get thinner. Is that possible?

  4. Hi, have you wondered this program called the Fat Blast Lifestyle? (look it up on google). My uncle says it helps people get thinner. Is that possible?

  5. I have a question, have you seen this method called the Fat Blast Lifestyle? (google it). My coworker says it helps people lose pounds. Thoughts?

  6. Hi Victoria! i absolutely love your exercises? i have done the get rid of your love handle one..if i do this at least 3 times a week when do you think i will notice a change? and also i am 25 yrs old… 5’1 and 132pds…i want to be 125 what diet or eating habbits do you recommend to accomplis fast result?…i would love to have your body!

  7. I have a really important question, I would appreciate it a lot if you would respond..I’m 15, 5’4, and 140 pounds. My stomach is different from everyone elses, my stomach is very large and hangs, I noticed almost everyone even people who are bigger then my their stomach doesn’t actully hang over like mine does and I also have really big love handles, is it possible to get a flat stomach with a stomach like mine? Mine litterally looks like someones that is over 200 pounds. -.-

  8. Yes, I do use Stevia….I do sprout my own bread and dehydrate slices….not consisttant though.
    A lot of women (I am in a bad relationship) are in bad relationships…and this is why I think there are a lot of fat women in America….they are with bad men. My fiance gets jealous over everything I accomplish…I need to leave his ass once and for all. He has problems/lies to his family-they don’t know I support his ass to a great extent, and he is an attorney. He lies.

  9. i find it easier to find a better replacement than avoiding certain things like a plague, that way you don’t have to completely change the way you eat and feel alien about it. Eg. sprouted bread instead of white bread, brown rice/ quinoa instead of white rice, almond milk instead of homogenized/pasturized milk, stevia/xylitol instead of sugar etc..

  10. wow…I am glad I seen this. my fiance is a bad eater. starting right now, I eat no white bread etc….as you advise.

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