Best Ab Exercises to get that Ripped Six Pack

Best Ab Exercises to get that Ripped Six Pack Ab exercises from beginner to advanced. There are over 10 ab exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home. These are my favorite ab exercises that I do with all my clients.
Video Rating: 4 / 5 – Are you looking to get tight and tone on your abs and sides? This flat stomach exercise, known as raised leg crunches, gets rid of love handles and flattens the stomach. This is one of the best exercises for a stomach workout.

49 thoughts on “Best Ab Exercises to get that Ripped Six Pack

  1. Para completar los ejercicios de abdominales , podemos ver , a youtube o facebook : SARA ESCUDERO SIMON un claro ejemplo de gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva , y completar el entrenamiento de los abdominales , un saludo amigos

  2. @MikeSharell
    Im happy that it worked for you also! It
    is awesome and the best part is, its fun
    so it doesnt seem like you’re doing a
    workout routine. It definitely make sweat
    though. Anyway, you mispelled the site
    name. That should be:

  3. the first exercise your doing, your cheating it.. your arms are helping you pull yourself forward

  4. Great info, thanks…now I know more the wide variety of ab excercises than I ever thought that existed. Thanks again.

  5. I worked 11 year’s in Greece loading truck’s and drinking lot’s of beer and had a six pack. Ate what I wanted, best work out a man can do. Lot’s of women too.

  6. I thought Jack knifes were when you were on your back and you bring your hands and feet up and touch them together in the air. Not what he was showing at 3:44

  7. dont have to eat healthy to have a 6 pack? wow thats the biggest pile of bullshit i have ever heard. Of course you have to eat healthy to have a 6 pack, unless you are a teenager and your metabolism is high and your genetics are supreme. Thats about 2% of the population if not less.

  8. you have to eat fairly healthy man. cant drink coke and eat cake all day and have a six pack cuz youll just be piling on fat

  9. You dont have to eat healthy to have a 6 pack but if you dont get enough protein in your diet you wont have a 6 pack, and if your eating too many carbs then your just gonna have fat ontop of your 6pack so it wont show

  10. You really dont have to. I’m 14, eat lots og candy, workout and i still got a awesome 6-pack ;D (Girls love it)

  11. how many times should i do this a day (about 15 cross legged reverse crutches on each side and a side plank for about 30 secs for each side) im 16 aswell if that makes a difference

  12. 100% right!! they do, i have been doing them for 6-9 months, and I have improved my body, but make sure you strech after warming up with light weights, and keep yopu r back straight and also knees not above heels when you do squats to reduce pressure and wear and tair in the back and also knees. and also do skipping(kumping rope) and running sprints! you will have the most amazing body ever, increase the repations per session mad eit harder for yoruself, set goals,good luck!

  13. Healthy foods and healthy eating is one way to lessen that belly bulge. We’ve done a segment on the best foods for a trim tummy on our channel if anyone is interested! Have a great day!

  14. Hey there! Have you considered the Fat Blast Furnace (do a google search)? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my friend burned plenty of unwanted fat.

  15. hi m 27 n i ve gap in my last vertibra,,.n d pain (smtyms) is horrible,can u plz guide me to flaten up ma stomach…plzzzzzzzzz

  16. Omg. This looks amazing!! I’m going to try this tonight, every night! 😀 I can’t wait!! Thnx for this video!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

  17. Oh hai! Have you ever tried – fast abs magic (do a google search)? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my cousin got really defined Six pack abs and lost crazy amounts of belly fat with it.

  18. Anyone struggling with their weight needs to read the new book by Sean Croxton. I’m a personal trainer and even I learned things from it. It’s really an eye opener!

    Step 1: Go to FatLossDarkSide. com

    Step 2: Read the guide and actually FOLLOW IT!

    If you do that, then really, there’s no way you wouldn’t get results. The info is all there, the rest is pretty much up to you.

    Alright, that’s my recommendation and good deed for the day 😉

  19. Anyone struggling with their weight needs to read the new book by Sean Croxton. I’m a personal trainer and even I learned things from it. It’s really an eye opener!

    Step 1: Go to FatLossDarkSide. com

    Step 2: Read the guide and actually FOLLOW IT!

    If you do that, then really, there’s no way you wouldn’t get results.

    The info is all there, the rest is pretty much up to you.

    Alright, that’s my recommendation and good deed for the day 😉

  20. Anyone struggling with their weight needs to read the new book by Kyle Leon. I’m a personal trainer and even I learned things from it. It’s really an eye opener!

    Step 1: Go to FatLossCustomized. com

    Step 2: Read the guide and actually FOLLOW IT!

    If you do that, then really, there’s no way you wouldn’t get results. The info is all there, the rest is pretty much up to you.

    Alright, that’s my recommendation and good deed for the day 😉

  21. Well, think about it. Would you, as a customer, or viewer rather see an overweighted person do the exercise or someone with a well toned body.

  22. Anyone struggling with their weight needs to read the new book by Sean Croxton. I’m a personal trainer and even I learned things from it. It’s really an eye opener!

    Step 1: Go to FatLossDarkSide. com

    Step 2: Read the guide and actually FOLLOW IT!

    If you do that, then really, there’s no way you wouldn’t get results. The info is all there, the rest is pretty much up to you.

    Alright, that’s my recommendation and good deed for the day 😉

  23. Anyone struggling with their weight needs to read the new book by Sean Croxton. I’m a personal trainer and even I learned things from it. It’s really an eye opener!

    Step 1: Go to FatLossDarkSide. com

    Step 2: Read the guide and actually FOLLOW IT!

    If you do that, then really, there’s no way you wouldn’t get results. The info is all there, the rest is pretty much up to you.

    Alright, that’s my recommendation and good deed for the day 😉

    Good luck in the new year everyone!

  24. Looks easy but when I do it, i realized that its hundred times harder. Btw I never do any exercises…maybe that’s why. Damn

  25. Want a flat stomach? eat less. Sit ups are the worst for getting a flat stomach. work out your legs – biggest muscle = lots of calorie burning.

  26. @candyman Yeah, very true, the diet offered by the site WeightLossAction.Info works marvellously, I myself have lost a bunch of weight really quickly using it…highly reccomended.

  27. Great video, I just wana tell everyone about a cool site I found. I seriously recommend this site and ive been blessed to share this. The site is ………….. get-a-flat-stomachDOTcom

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