24 thoughts on “Abdominal workout to “Años Luz” by Shakira

  1. This is how I dance anyway when playing around. If you tighten your abs and breath through your mouth at a slow steady pace it could work with any dance move. The up-beat music helps with cardio thus weight loss and toned body. Great video by the way.

  2. i love it!!! you make the steps so easy!!! i’m a begginer with zumba and im nothing good coordinating my body, i really sucks!!! but the way how you do it slowly first give me the chance to try to catch the moves, i definitely can not do it like you yet, but at least i will still practicing until i can get it!! Meanwhile i feel my body sweating when i dance with you, i just hope i’m doing it on the right way!!!  is this workout help to burn the belly area, waist and under bra fat??? =)

  3. No, it is not supposed to burn.. You need to contract the abdominals or tighten them as you do the different moves. Think about pulling your belly button in toward your backbone by tightening the abdominal muscles. Then you will feel your abdominals working.

  4. Is this dance to help your Abdominal area suppose to burn because when i was doing the dance i did not feel nonthing at all?

  5. I live in WA and Im done having kids lol we have 6. I need to lose weight. We live in sequim. I don’t have a lot of Money. So do you know of a place that can help?. I need to lose A LOT of weight. I’m on my cell so this isn’t my actually account. Look up. Leanghiapii or email me mamaflawk@gmail.com thank you so much 🙂

  6. i to sued to be super skinny and began noticing these knots in different locations on my body and the drs say they are cysts but as the years have past I have more cysts and have gained 125 pounds. Did your weight gain have anything to do with these cysts?

  7. i have watched this vid so many time times its awesome love it love the work out where are you in the uk?

  8. @RaulCarlo
    I agree with you! That program at the site
    has helped me lose some lbs and gain great abs
    in the last 5months! I highly recommend this
    program to everyone who wants to have a firm
    shape like mine.. This is a no joke.

  9. Just found this, only had two Zumba sessions so far but i’m soooo glad i found this as i need to put exra effort into my abs….. Thank you soooo much can’t wait to do this tomorrow….. x

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