Home Abs Workout Blitz!! – Part 1 – Get 6 Pack Abs

Home Abs Workout Blitz!! – Part 1 – Get 6 Pack Abs

Get 6 Pack Abs at home here: www.athleanx.com Week 1 of the “Home Abs Workout” series. When people search for an “6 pack abs workout” they usually look for one that they can do at home. “Abs workouts” are by far the most requested workouts since the elusive “6 pack abs” is one of the most recognizable symbols of fitness. See any guy on the cover of Men’s Fitness magazine and the first thing you’ll notice is a etched out set of six pack abs. The quickest way for you to get into the same shape is with an equal balance of good nutrition and a unique set of abs exercises. Yes, I said unique. The problem with too many “abs workouts” is that they are telling you to simply do the same exercises you’ve been doing over the last months and years in the gym with little to no results. As the old saying goes, if you keep doing what you’ve been doing then you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting. In this, the first week of 12 of the Home Abs Workout Blitz series, trainer to the stars Jeff Cavaliere will walk you through a step by step course he put together to get you your six pack abs! Once you’ve seen the results we’re sure you’ll get with the Blitz…we invite you to head over to http to get your complete system and get your entire body in great shape. With AthLEAN-X style training, you can now get your six pack abs in just 90 days using this training system developed by a physical therapist who trains pro athletes from all major sports. Now you can get that athletic, lean, and

Kim is back to show you three different exercises that she does to keep her abdominal muscles nice and firm.

47 thoughts on “Home Abs Workout Blitz!! – Part 1 – Get 6 Pack Abs

  1. @9RtD I have the Athlean-X training system, it say that for abs rest of 30 seconds or less but don’t go over if you want to see your 6 pack:)

  2. @saysay237 do ab workouts 4-6 times a week, this as well as short rest periods are the key to getting the six pack, i noticed i lose fat and gain more core muscle with this, eat right too, helps a lot.

  3. Oh hello! Have you ever tried the Fat Blast Furnace (search on google)? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my friend burned plenty of fat.

  4. Oh hey! Have you tried the Fat Blast Furnace (google it)? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my work buddy burned insane amounts of useless fat.

  5. hey nice video im going to start this workouts but idk what day should i do it
    is it just on wed nd sat????

  6. @tylermagouirk But as long as you do the exercises your way ahead of everyone else. Some people just watch videos and never do anything about it. Good luck.

  7. @heythird Inbox me questions ill try to answer them to the best of my knowledge.
    Well i personally started seeing nice results after about 2 weeks. Noticably stronger core.
    Mind you I have a low body fat.

    It’s said you need to be 10% and under for body fat to see your 6 pack.

  8. Hey man.  Thanks, was knda dumb founded on the whole routine. If I got anymore questions, I”m sure I will ask asap. I’m ganna seem like a big time question box, but when do I start seeing results?

  9. @heythird Hey man, you do park 1 for 5-6 days, then you move onto week 2. and so forth.

    @hioui1 Keep it to a minimum, if you can… try and complete each exercise right after each other.

  10. I know I might sound stupid or something like that. But do I do “Part 1” of this series for one full week? And then after this week, do I move onto the 2nd video and only do the 2nd video for the full week? Or do I do both video 1 and video 2? Thanks.

  11. These exercises are great but also you need to lower your body fat percentage. To get the best abs definition your body fat has to be 10%.

  12. Love this workout
    Can someone let me know if its cheating to use a dresser to help with balance when doing the the ab rippers?
    I feel i get a better contraction and burn when i do it cause i can hold it a few seconds longer
    So anyway please let me know

  13. Im 16 years old and i am trying this, but things like the X-Man crunch are pretty hard to do,
    i have trouble with keeping my legs together when doing a rep.

  14. Holla! Have you considered – fast abs magic (do a search on google)? Ive heard some great things about it and my auntie got detailed Six pack abs and lost a truck load of of fat with it.

  15. @ReggieLee
    Me too! I have been using that program at
    for 3weeks now and i’m thrilled with the
    results. Cant wait to see what results i can
    get in the next month as I am going on
    holidays and will be in a bathing suit alot
    and I already know I will feel a lot better
    than I have in years..:))

  16. PLEASE everyone BEWARE the #1 weight loss pill is killing people PLEASE type in JILLIAN MICHAELS THE TRUTH and please those into fitness health and wellness and helping others please help spread the word thank you

  17. hi to all please. tell me where can i buy the performance disc that she is been using..i had one before but i gave it to my oldest sister thought i could find one again for me but couldnt find anywhere..please anybody know a website where i can order..thank a lot..;)

  18. If u wanna be buff lean.. Go see zuzsana if u want to be lean and toned watch Kim.. That simple love both of their workout videos

  19. I wonder what her body fat % is. I’m definitely trying all three of those at the gym tonight.

  20. Siii, siempre hay un espacio entre la espalda y el suelo, al menos las mujeres no podemos tenerla pegada, justo lo que esperaba ver, si ella lo hace debe ser que esta bien no?

  21. I don’t have a 5lb medicine ball, but I have a 5lb weight-will that alter the effectiveness of the workout?

  22. For the disc thing, I just take one of my pillows and fold it in half. 🙂 It works really well. I did this one for the first time today ( i did her dumbell and butt one before) and I REALLY pushed myself. I was already sore from my last workout, and i had just gotten back from a run. I wound up being able to do all of it! Thelast rep was REALLY difficult though but I did it. You guys can too! 🙂

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