Ab Isolation Exercises : The Bicycle Ab Exercise

Ab Isolation Exercises : The Bicycle Ab Exercise

Great abs don’t come easy. Here are a few free tips on how to do the bicycle exercise to flatten your stomach and show off that six pack. Expert: Madison Chase Bio: Madison Chase is a professional actress and personal fitness trainer in Los Angeles. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

24 thoughts on “Ab Isolation Exercises : The Bicycle Ab Exercise

  1. Hello there, have you heard of “Belly Fat TorchMax” (google it)? There you can watch a practical free video. It helped Ashley to burn her tummy fat. I hope it works for you too.

  2. 20-30 reps per set is typical. My trainer started me out at 20-30 reps per set and it was killing me, but got easier the second and third time. after only about four times, I can do 40 reps a set.

  3. Hihi, have you heard of this thing called the Max Muscle Method? (check google). My friend says it gets people stronger.

  4. Hey, have you considered this thing called the Max Muscle Method? (do a google search). My friend says it gets people ripped fast.

  5. Read a description of how to do this and it wasn’t made too clear, so thanks for the demonstration.

  6. wow are you kidding me? I just tried this and it almost killed my abs. ill let you all know how it worked out in 3 weeks, but it sure as hell feels like it is going to work.

  7. Awesome youtube vid, it’s actually shocking that quite a few folk are actually always looking to successfully reduce his or her’s extra belly fat or maybe obtain 6 pack abs, my colleague got rid of all of the belly fat and today possesses a six-pack when working on this excellent system which is called: Muscle 790 Xtreme, I personally don’t know the web page just google it and you ought to get it.
    rajkumar tamang

  8. accually miss i think beginners should start at 15 reps then when they get USED TO the excersice they could do 20 reps. not trying to be rude or anything…just saying.

  9. last night i did this for a minute doing each really fast and i got to 77. my belly was burning SO much. but im gonna keep doing it because i want to feel more comfortable in my bikinis.(bikinis are my only choice.. the other styles are too expensive)

  10. She means the beginners would do at least 10 reps in 3 sets. got it from another source.

  11. So you think if I did this like every day I would have abs for summer? I went on birth control like 4 months ago and it put some weight on me in the middle.

  12. Holy crap this was hard, I could only get out 15 reps the first time. Ah well, there’s always room for improvement. 🙂

  13. Looks good, but why the extra weight? Seems totally useless when you aren’t lifting your torso from the floor.

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