Amazing Abdominal Exercise for MMA Fighters

Amazing Abdominal Exercise for MMA Fighters Training the core is all about function – what you want to do and why. One of the most important concepts to understand and train is your ability to activate your hip flexors (psoas while maintaining core stability. This becomes especially important when you’re throwing knees or kicks. If you’re like most people I work with, whenever you fire your hip flexors, your abs automatically crunch and your pelvis tilts under (posterior tilt). This is NOT beneficial because you lose the ability to rotate through the hips when it’s not in neutral position, decreasing the amount of rotation you get when you throw a roundhouse or big knee, thus decreasing it’s power. Also, doing this brings your face closer to your opponent, so you’re head is more in range of your opponents counter-attacks – not good unless you enjoy getting KTFO! So the video below will show you a simple exercise progression you can use to train this extremely important quality to improve the power of your kicks by increasing the strength of your hip flexors and improving your ability to stabilize your core when your hip flexors fire. Work your way up to 15 repetitions of each progression in PERFECT FORM before moving on to the next progression.

24 thoughts on “Amazing Abdominal Exercise for MMA Fighters

  1. Hi! Have you tried the Fat Blast Furnace (search on google)? Ive heard some great things about it and my cousin lost a lot of weight.

  2. Hello! Have you ever tried the Fat Blast Furnace (google it)? Ive heard some great things about it and my work buddy shed plenty of fat.

  3. Hey Eric… I do exactly the same, however, I added new progression to those which is simply a weight on the leg you won’t bend it in. it’s going be very difficult especially with weight around 8 pounds.

    Regards and thanks man 🙂

  4. Your clips are the FIRST i’ve ever bothered to subscribe since using youtube…ever!! That’s just how much i appreciate what you are sharing. 😉

    Thanks for all these…wishing you plenty of success!! Along with your clients too!!

  5. Hey Eric. This looks like a great exercise. Just to be clear. I do 3 sets of 15 reps of each exercise or 15 reps of all those exercises?

  6. Very bad comment, immature and absolutely Stupid. i feel sorry for you’re mom. that she made a kid like you.

  7. It’s hard for me to respect a guy who uses a red-orange-pinkish ball to train for a bloody full-contact sport like MMA…Sorry, just my opinion.

  8. hey thanks for the imformative techniques that you’ve shown me. i recently joined a kajukenbo program, and this will surely help me with my muscle control as well as my core strength. it has really helped me with my balance on my right leg, don’t know why, but it is weaker than my left.

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