24 thoughts on “Greg Plitt: Truth About Abs Workout

  1. Are you freaking kidding me?

    The abs are part of what’s called the “core” of your body. Your core is what connects your pelvis, glutes/hips and legs to your upper torso (back, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, head). The core is key to strong athletic performance.

    A strong core is not only key to good posture, but is essential in stabilizing your spine when lifting heavy weights. I guarantee you that no one with fantastic posture doesn’t have strong abs, obliques and erector spinae.

  2. abs are really a matter of bodyfat, everyone has them you just gotta get your bf low enough to see them, dont worry too much about them focus on the rest of your body

  3. you dont need to train abs to get abs. i did heavy squat and dead lifts along with all my other workouts. the one thing that made me get abs was my diet. i lost 36 pounds with diet alone and my abs got really good. havent done any abs in a long time

  4. yeah you’re somewhat right but different bodies have different results. I for instance, got abs within a week doing more endurance exercises like greg plitt a few years back, but know i do a combination of both and that helps A LOT!!! so build a strong base first, then think of adding concrete to it then! Best of luck

  5. Hello there, have you considered “Belly Fat TorchMax” (just do a Google search for it…)? On their website you can watch a practical free video. This made it easier for Kyle to reduce his tummy fat. It may help you too…

  6. Hihi, have you seen this method called the Fat Blast Furnace? (do a google search). My mother says it helps people burn fat.

  7. I keep hearing that in order to develop big abs (more bodybuilder like as opposed to marathon runners i.e.) one should at least for one party train abs with weights (as you would with all the others muscles you want to get bigger. can anyone tell me something about this from their own experience?

  8. If your workout is FUCKING INTENSE …. then 45 min is and should be enough !!!!!!!! Notice that the 45 min should be for your workout with weights , that does not count the stretching , the warm up (30 min combined) and the cardio sessions. So your lactic acid can produce your muscles to worn out but only after 45 min of INTENSE workout with weights. You can rest and do your ab workout 5 or 6 hours after that and you shouldn’t have any problems !!!!!!

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